Every material to be carried in polyester slings has a safety factor in terms of occupational safety. This safety factor is also called the safety factor for polyester slings. The purpose of the safety factor is that the material or the operators are not harmed if an unexpected situation is encountered during the load carrying. In addition, if a lifting sling is made to lift a certain load in different materials other than its production purpose, it can cause great damage. For example, when lifting a load that is larger than it should be, the legs of the polyester lifting sling open more. Therefore, the load on each sling leg increases. In short, the measurement of the loads to be transported should be done very well and the right material should be carried with the right lifting sling.
What is the Importance of the Safety Factor in Polyester Slings?
Lifting slings, which are generally used for lifting loads, are of great importance in terms of both load lifting and occupational safety. Regardless of the weight of the transported loads, always be cautious when using the lifting sling. A moment of imprudence can cause financial and emotional losses. While selecting the slings, it is necessary to adhere to the carrying capacities. These capacities are established within the scope of the relevant standards according to the type of sling. With a lifting sling indicating a working load of 3 tons, a load of 4 tons must not be lifted. Polyester slings are colour coded to determine the payload. These colour codes are determined as purple (1 ton), green (2 tons), yellow (3 tons), grey (4 tons), red (5 tons), brown (6 tons), blue (8 tons), and orange (10 tons and above).
How is the Safety Factor of Polyester Slings Compared to Other Slings?
Polyester slings are obtained by weaving polyester threads. Compared to steel lifting slings, it has a material that has a more flexible structure but it wears out more quickly. The safety factor in slings varies according to the norm of the material to be transported. The safety factor for polyester slings is 4:1, 5:1, 6:1 and 7:1. If the safety factor of the product to be transported is not specified, the factor with a ratio of 7:1 is taken into account. External protection sleeves can be used for polyester slings, which can pose a hazard to lifting materials with sharp corners. There is no difference in the lifting capacity of the polyester slings, which are in the form of endless and eyed. However, it may vary depending on the usage.
Compared to polyester slings, steel lifting slings have two different types: braided slings and lead slings. The carrying capacities of both lead and knitting slings are specified following the EN 13414-1+A2 norm. Every steel lifting sling produced must be made to these specifications. In chain slings, which are another means of transportation, no other action is applied to the chain. The certificates of lifting slings produced in different types such as rings, connecting rings, chains and hooks are separately evaluated as separate equipment. The carrying capacity of chain hoist slings is specified under the EN 818-4 norm.
For more detailed information about the products, you can contact Halatsan’s sales team.