With its strong structure and practical use, polyester slings become the leading actor in the transport and lifting of loads. This type of sling is manufactured by compressing polyester raw material with high pressure. The product group, which is resistant to physical and chemical conditions, has an important place in heavy load transport. Polyester sling reduces the need for manpower by flexing a small amount in the processes of lifting and transporting loads.
What Features Does Polyester Sling Have?
Polyester sling, which helps to carry heavy loads by wrapping and holding them in a balanced way, is a system that is connected to the machine and used. This cloth sling, which has 100% polyester structure, takes its resistance from the production material. It is used in numerous sectors from the construction sector to wholesalers, warehouses and hangars to factories. Polyester sling usage features are as follows:
- Norms are manufactured according to TS EN 1492.
- It has a light structure with its production material.
- It grips tightly in the lowering and lifting of loads.
- It varies according to durability and load lifting capacities.
- Manufactured from 25 mm to 400 mm fibres.
- Suitable for use and storage between -40 and +100 degrees.
- Single layer flat thick woven slings should have a thickness of 2 mm and multilayer slings should have a thickness of 1.2 mm.
- Thick webbing width is between 25 and 450 mm.
- Safety coefficients are 5:1, 6:1 and 7:1.
- It is produced in EN1492-1 and En-1492-2 standards.
- It has different technical details from each other.
How to Choose Polyester Sling?
Polyester sling is selected according to the type and weight of the load. The durability of this product group, which should be used without tying knots, is checked by experts. It is resistant to chemical substances and is durable in cases such as breaking and bending. The right sling should be preferred in terms of work efficiency and quality. Colour, capacity and additional requirements allow the same work to be done in different areas. Among the criteria that play a role in choosing the appropriate sling are many factors such as:
- Area of use and purpose,
- Technical specifications required by the job,
- Varieties with high productivity,
- Density with existing and soon to be formed labour force,
- Being produced from quality and safe materials,
- Adaptation to the form of the load,
- Maintenance at regular intervals,
- Flexibility suitable for the load,
- CE marking on the labels,
- Appropriate width and thickness dimensions.
You can contact our customer relations team to get information about our Halatsan polyester sling products.